Lesson 7 : Giving information
Ketika berkomunikasi baik langsung atau tidak
langsung, kita selalu memberikan informasi mengenai sesuatu, apakah itu tempat
tinggal, pekerjaan, dll. Lalu bagaimana kita mengungkapkannya dalam bahasa
Let’s check it out!
1. Riko is from Jakarta Really? What part of Jakarta? Center of Jakarta
2. Rina is saleswomen Oh really? What company? Honda
3. He is a University student Is that right? What university? UI
4. What is your occupation? I’m a policeman
5. I work at a hotel Oh
yeah, Which hotel? Mahkota
Conversation practice (Latihan percakapan)
Praktekkan dengan teman kamu , memberi dan merespon
1. Ketika teman mu mengatakan sesuatu tentang
dirinya, katakan “Really” (masa/o ya), lalu tanyakan hal yang berkaitan
Example :
Riko : I’m
from Indonesia
Riki : Really?
Is this your first time coming here?
2. Ketika teman mu mengatakan sesuatu, katakan “Really”,
lalu buatlah pernyataan yang berkaitan pula
Example :
Riko : I’m
from Pontianak
Riki : Really?
My sister lives in Singkawang
3. Bertanya dengan 5 W + 1 H untuk menanyakan
informasi tentang partner mu. Kemudian responlah informasi tersebut
Example :
Riko : Where
do you work?
Riki : I
work at a hotel
Riko : What
do you do there?
Riki : I’m
a receptionist
Suggested words
WH-Question Example
Who (Siapa) Who is she?
What (Apa) What
is that?
When (Kapan) When
will you go?
Where (Dimana) Where
are you from?
Why (Mengapa) Why
do you speak English?
How (Bagaimana) How
do you come here?
Which (Yang mana) Which
part of West Borneo?
Whom (Siapa-Objek) Whom
do you seek?
Whose (Punya siapa) Whose
book is this?
How much (Berapa banyak) How much time do we have?
How many (Berapa banyak) How many person here?
How long (Sebarapa lama) How long we will stay here?
How far (Seberapa jauh) How far is the place?
How often (Seberapa sering) How often do you come here?
What...do (Apa...lakukan) What do you do there?
What...for (Untuk apa) What did you do that for?
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